Custom Eco Friendly Tableware

Domov / Produkt
  • 04 Aug 2023

    Eco-Friendly Dining: Unveiling the Advantages of Fiber Lunch Boxes for a Sustainable Lifestyle

      In recent years, there has been a growing concern about the environmental impact of single-use plastics, particularly in the food industry. In respo...

  • 16 Jun 2023

    Aké sú výhody používania detskej binaurálnej misky na kŕmenie batoliat a malých detí?

    Detská binaurálna miska, známa aj ako delená miska alebo miska s priehradkami, ponúka niekoľko výhod pre kŕmenie batoliat a malých detí. Poďme pres...

  • HUI-HE Technology Co., Ltd sa zaoberá výrobou melamínového bambusu, vláknitého riadu a každodenných výrobkov pre domácnosť už viac ako 10 rokov. to je Eco Friendly plastic Tableware manufacturers a environmentally friendly tableware factory ktorá integruje vývoj produktov, výrobu a predaj.

    The company has passed the BSCI certification, the products have passed the FDA certification, and strictly implement the GB9690-88, QB1999-84 standards, the products are of high quality, exquisite production, and strive for perfection. We also custom and OEM Eco Friendly Tableware made from melamine bamboo, fiber etc. These products are made of Melamine and Bamboo Fiber in usual, you can also choose the personalized material for your tableware. Full size, color, design is waiting for you.

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